I wonder how much deflation in prices there would've been if Right to Repair was nationalized and enforced against every single company in the USA as well as globally.
What is Right to Repair? Requi...
When they are specifically "victims": https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-signs-executive-order-to-promote-the-resettlement-of-afrikaner-refugees-in-the-u-s/
I had no idea that victims owned most o...
All the morons and smooth brains who voted for this big moron deserve what's coming to them especially when said big moron is more than happy to keep helping billionaires who have all the money for...
And a 6 out of 10 were found to be US Citizens during the Mexican Repatriation program: https://www.history.com/news/great-depression-repatriation-drives-mexico-deportation
The logic behind these ra...
Positivity is contagious. Being Positive is contagious. Negativity is also contagious. The thing is, it has to be learned through reinforcement. Your behavior can be seen as both positive and negat...
I figure since I have a connection in Singapore, might as well visit Singapore where they show me and accompany me around. They suggested Thailand as a second destination, obviously I considered di...
A skill that requires you to discern what you believe from what others believe, be open minded, critical of all beliefs, playing devils advocate to challenge your beliefs and accept other beliefs f...
I regenerated my Screed from yesterday in the tone of Scholar Visari and it's fucking good. I can read this in Brian Cox's voice and feel good.
By Scholar Visari
America stands as a ship adrift in st...
America is directionless. A government so weak as to allow corporate power to dominate its ranks. A government so weak that it's people believe in conspiracies and lies. A country so utterly direct...
"You miss all the shots you don't take." It's true.
When you think about it, how did you get to where you are? It's not something you could reason about in anyway to reproduce what got you there. Go...
2024 was just ok. Only released two applications multi platform. I wanted to release 3 applications at least with 2 games out at least. Shifting priorities and distractions led to only two applicat...
If a random girl, 27y, goes to a restaurant with a random guy (never seen each other before) and she's touching him during the conversation then waits with him for his taxi and hugs him at the end,...
Published here: https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/luigis-manifesto
Again, America's Healthcare System sucks. He blamed insurance, but why the F does it cost so much to go through what so many others...
No matter what about insurance, the healthcare system is part of the problem. Given my experience with it where I was clearly suffering where my body clearly was showing signs of suffering, you cou...
Unexpectedly longer than I planned. It was different. I went to a super good hotel and super good area. Met random people from online. Visited a proper temple not the usual tourist area. Tried quit...
People have zero fu*ks left to give that's why "Billionaire CEO assassinated" means nothing. Hell when people hear it was a Healthcare Insurance CEO, negative fucks to give. They show active hostil...
I mean this speaks for itself:
It's so drab and boring. The products/solutions getting named before you even know why you care about it. Wtf is this? Does Satya even care about what he's presenting ...
Learning to use tools is the best predictor for success and productivity, I would like to think. The article referenced here shows a teacher who is open minded and adapts to better teach her studen...
Imagine being subject to a lawsuit. Do you think "oh, I'm not going", "I'm not talking about it", "nothing's going to happen", "ignore the process server"? Then you've been watching to much TV and ...
"We used to laugh at comedians and listen to politicians, now we listen to the comedians and laugh at the politicians."
It's a grab from a YouTube comment. It's true, the process of US politics is a...
Imagine trying to apply a specific situation to your situation, but finding out later that that situation is covered in the law and goes adversely against your position in the entirety. Imagine the...
Risk is something often thought of as chance of bad thing happening and people associate high risk, high reward and the inverse as well as the contrapositive. People also don't manage risk well, th...
The one thing people don't tend to like is the case where someone knows more information about you than you know they know. It puts you in a potential vulnerable place where they can use informatio...
So you're a voter, a conspiracy theorist really and you complain about "surveillance" infrastructure or whatever triggers your mind to think you are being watched. Because you watch gRump rallies a...
Searches for "Change my vote" on Google spiked after the Election.
Searches ...
What just occurred in a nutshell:
the first convicted felon to become president, the first adjudicated rapist, the first insurrectionist, the first president in our country's history to refuse to...
The word that makes me think of SOAD song Psycho. It also reminds me of why I stay away from drugs even the prescribed ones unless absolutely necessary.
You never know when you are dealing with one....
I said it before on here, Intel will be replaced on the DOW and it has come. I have a knack for future sight!
The usual parroting of "60,000 miles of Blood Vessels" and "100,000km of Blood Vessels" is incorrect. Medical "knowledge" or "fun facts" is flawed like any other.
These guys went through the trouble...
It's a hard lesson in not reading the contract for many young adults. You can take out loans for other things here and there and have them discharged, but education loans? No way, you are trapped f...
Not much for me to say, everything's covered in the below video. UGH!
I would love to say find the right one, but how do you know you are getting into the right nursing home? You OBVIOUSLY need to ...
MARU app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/maru-learn-japanese-hiragana/id1208009110
Why at all? I will travel to Japan very soon. My goal is simple, learn how recognize characters and sound them out. ...
I've been doing this since 2019-2020. It's been off and on before that, but I fully committed to it at that point. AM/PM is great and all but learning and getting used to the 24hr then translating ...
I will find out who is doing this shit from all the places that I have visited in the Healthcare system and file suit against them. It's illegal especially under State law. I will absolutely sue th...
Tend to see articles about the damage that bad hires can cause, but never about bad CEOs who have more impact on company finances and your job stability. What is the rate of bad worker hires to acc...
Yes, and it would be bad if it weren't for C5Store's secrets handling. Secrets are encrypted before commit ๐ฎโ๐จ
Set a direction, not a goal and just keep going.
It's not like I thought of every direction as a learning opportunity and it's not like I was training to embrace failure. If failure occurred there w...
There's nothing lost in their so called update where women don't have to message first anymore. The premise was just marketing babble. Women message first was a total shit show. Let's be honest, wo...
Its stock continues to do badly. Just horribly. They said they were going to do bad, but this under performs every other chip maker. How do you get free money (government subsidies) and do so horri...
Peer pressure or not, going digital helps deter crime. Accepting cash makes you a target to be robbed by people looking to take advantage of your weak points.
If getting robbed is cheaper than just ...
Comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39983233
There used to be a saying (Campaign really) for children about "Don't take candy from strangers." Now why was that? Mistrust was at the heart ...
I remember looking at this in its early days and it suckkkked. Now, I'm like woah blown away. Community is much bigger, APIs easier to use, wtf happened! They surely weren't shy to break and break ...
I can see why up-voting is useful and how down-voting is detrimental. I can see why many websites have taken decided to remove negative reactions or at least hide the number of negative reactions f...
Faux News and Right Wing Co. can b*tch and moan all they want about CRIME when election season kicks in, but fundamentally making crime expensive is not cheap. What is crime? How do you know if cri...
But "THE CHILDREN" has been used as a rallying cry for passing highly restrictive laws spanning from cursing, rap, video games, pornography, soda, whatever people don't like. Texas, Florida are par...
With Leptos as the web framework! Yes, the RUSTIFICATION of the world continues!
The motivation for this was to get off NodeJS, which has a myriad of issues that I no longer want to reconcile with. ...
The question is will it be called World War 3. Wars are not labeled until they have long past the mark of it actually started.
So World War 1 and World War 2, all coincided with certain countries ar...
Long Covid brain fog may be due to damaged blood vessels in the brain (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39762776) for reference.
Comments here resonate with me given the weird sh*t that happened...
Version 3 is in Lit, version 2 was Svelte, but those choices were because I liked NodeJS and wanted to see how close I could stay to vanilla Javascript, but I'm abandoning NodeJS, in general, due t...
Ah Project Phantasy, so original. I'm far enough along that I might as well write about this stuff in a series like Atlas Fury (Project Atlas). I'm excited about the work like I was with Atlas Fury.
Without Bevy Game Engine especially. Yeah, I'm using rust to build a game. ๐๐๐
Most people would not write Rust especially for a multiplayer game server! I'm taking on the challenge to do it twice, ...
I spent today just trying to use nunjucks for serving some templated html. Turns out nunjucks among other templating libraries are fucking broken because of this rtarded split between cjs and mjs.
I recently released Atlas Fury, an arcade style space shooter for iPhone (App Store) and Android (Google Play)
so I am jotting down post experiences.
My experience with Godot in general has been pl...
You can just go boom: idea -> development -> publish, but how will people know your product exists and what it does? Advertising!
I recently released Atlas Fury, an arcade style space shooter for iP...
With Atlas Fury being released to the Google Play Store while Apple drags it's knees doing whatever (rejecting my app for really stupid sh*t where the functionality is already there there's nothing...
I am pulling up the Android release date to the same time as IOS. I originally said I would release the Android version in March, but seeing as how I structured my code, it was relatively easy to i...
Are any home consumers really looking for any of the smart features they put on printers these days? I'm not sure why when you search for a printer that they are all of these stupid boring looking ...
If a RWD/AWD car hangs over the edge of a cliff with the front wheels dangling and the rear wheels slightly elevated, could it spin the wheels fast enough to blow air enough to edge backwards enoug...
I am wrapping up development on this momentous product. Promotional videos and other assets are now being pursued so that next month we are a GO.
There will be 10 survival levels, 2 endless levels, ...
Hi Stakes Game is in Alpha now. The servers were deployed yesterday. I mostly just wanted to see the app on my phone working without being at home. I can be anywhere and continue to trade on the ga...
Missed my goals for 2023, unfortunately, but made unexpected progress in a different direction with Atlas Fury. Didn't have plans to do it, but hey that's where I am. 3 mobile games is the 2024 tar...
Added a new special weapon, pretty much has to do with black holes, and one more to go!
Starfang Striker is inspired by Starfox just more wolf than fox. Probably should've called it StarWolf. This p...
The latest build is promising. SURGE really has impact! and look at all those bouncy carrots.
Did I say this was a wacky game? That's how it started off. Always meant to be wacky.
Feb 2024 - IOS Rele...
Seems like you are branded an antisemitic if you are not Pro-Israel, which is an extremist emotional view.
When I read articles like: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/pro-israel-tech-groups-witc...
The game is really coming alive! I added bananas as a troll item, but man they can be so useful.
I'm experimenting with orchestrating enemies to do different types of movement to get rid of the mono...
Pretty well done. Close calls! No flawless victory.
Yeeee, this one's in review for Testflight for public testers.
Maybe the last post marked the point of no return. Regardless, it's official as of now.
This ship uses orbiting satellites with a laser on them as well as shooting eyes that move in a wave pattern.
Got to the point where I have a credits screen.
This game is coming soon. January 2024 the earliest considering the work outside of just coding up the game and obtaining art and music. For example...
Ones that think holistically and ones who admit to their shortcomings enough to refer you to other doctors who can evaluate the body holistically from there.
You'd think ER visit after ER visit that...
Just implemented homing projectiles with detection area. I applied the homing behavior to this USA themed ship's rear weapon. There's other things I implemented sin...
I've been working on a 2D space based survivor game using the Godot engine. It's looking really good so far.
Epic MegaGames, known as Epic today, published a game in the 90s called Tyrian. I still...
If I asked a human to draw a woman with a phone in her hand explaining something to a man then they would attempt to draw exactly that. If it's a white human, I'd expect the output skin color to be...
Inefficient, bloated systems and with terrible management and doctors who need to retire.
Why's it so hard to verify insurance from the get go? Why's it so hard to get scheduling from the get go?
"I'm a cop"
"I'm a doctor"
"I'm a teacher"
"I'm a scientist"
"I'm a x"
No one cares what you are especially when your claims don't make sense when you look at the evidence. You might as well add a "quac...
It's actually pretty funny to me to see WFH was a trend. Corporations saw massive money saving opportunities and jumped at it. Now that cities are suffering from the lack of workers therefore lack ...
Having a perf car has been great and exciting at times, but looking to return back to walking around and using ride shares in a slightly denser area. It's possible to return to that in the future w...
Treat them as loose consultants. You know your own body, so drive the conversation. They jump to common conclusions, note it down and feed off of each other as they look at your "medical record". W...
It's pretty funny that the company that believes fully in a remote world doesn't fully believe in remote work. Why the hell wold you work there when their actions don't match their mission?
Meta is ...
VCs are greedy and dumb. They don't care about your product. They care about the potential return. It's dumb money. They were dumb enough to cause a bank run at a bank that catered to them. If that...
The world changes and countries reassess their position in the world. War is inevitable because self interest in all that matters. Many European and Asian countries are gearing up for war and wel...
I've never puked or had sickness, but have definitely felt queasy when things felt off.
I downloaded a drum game demo for PS VR2 and I guess because it is buggy, it put me almost below the floor whi...
Even reading a Wikipedia page on it isn't particularly helpful. I don't think it particularly exists or is differentiated from conservatism in general. This term was thrown around as for being excl...
As part of a game I will release, I will offer Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and Credit Event Binary Options (CEBO). These are topics that are obscure since they are unwieldy financial tools to deal w...
This is something that should be ingrained and drilled into every child from the start. When they learned enough to read, it is time to get them up to speed on looking up materials.
Sure, school sho...
I want a tablet that acts like a notebook. I haven't been interested in tablets like iPad or Android Tablets because they are just a scaled up version of a smartphone. The only tablets I have ever ...
With Elon Musk doing stupid shit with Twitter, I've decided to move up the timeline for Dayolog. The next generation social discussion software. The mission is to bring stability and control of for...
20 yr lifespan. 10 bucks. Never know when you'll need it. Might as well be prepared. Buy multiple and store them away.
Next pandemic, war, natural disaster, stuck...
With cron jobs running background services that can take a burst of memory 1GB servers are useless. Fedora runs dnf-makecache which does some bs that causes too much memory to be used and OOMs whic...
Les is mor and tell a story. The core of a good presentation.
I get annoyed at too much information in presentations. Use links or keywords to direct people to more information.
I also get annoyed at...
I used Fastify for serving backend (not static) content to the frontend of this web property and it has good performance. My problem is if I am serving a string (which could change), it shouldn't t...
My web properties were slow I guess some network link was flapping somewhere causing packet drops. It was slow for me and sometimes Google crawler, but not for uptime tools that connected from vari...
To try to fix it is a waste of time, money and effort. Moderating a fountain spout of short form thought is just beyond me.
There's no idea of reputation on the app, so it is a free for all. That's...
When Athletes can play video games use use what they learned to do something better in their lives,ย is that a waste of time? What if they didn't play any video games, would they have figured out t...
With my own custom build, ๐, deployer that uses a build server with podman and then SystemD for managing the application runtime.
Typically test any changes on dev then build/deploy to my home build...
If you wanted to explain how sound is generated and propagated to a five year old this would be a great post. The interactive elements definitely help with visualization...
I remember when people said this in order to justify 30fps games and 24fps videos. Yet when a 60fps video comes up on Youtube, I always always question if it is 60fps and see that it is. The fps di...
Less poppy, less slay, and less girl boss blah blah. More rocky with her exuberant natural voice. Right mix of attitude and rock.
Not bad at reaching out to her early 2000 style and adding to it, bu...
Russian officials say the history of Russian warfare shows that fighting often begins ...
When a PM tells a user (engineer) that you are not the audience and we know the user better than you then switch teams. There's no point in work...
11th Circuit of Appeals ruling on the stay of her gRump loving retarded overbroad stay shows the extent of her love for gRumpiness. Who...
This article is so believable and it is funny as fuck.
This article is com...
Of course, Faux News would put Chris Wallace up to the task and even he could not find the ideological bias. Chris Wallace tried really hard to paint Jon Stewart as a leftist activist, but alas fai...
A little redesign of my blog to make it more consistent. It was a migration to Web Components at first, but I got some inspiration to update the look. This blog is now Svelte-less and framework-les...
Any reasonable person would look at the label classified on a document and say oh that must secret. Not gRumpers though. As long as "Dear Leader" baby grUmp complains about declassifying documents ...
SARS 2 supposedly is a once in a life time global pandemic, but ~SARS 1 was 20 years ago. Who says in 20 years that another one can't pop up? More than likely election, anti-vaxxer, covid deniers a...
Turns out even Steve Jobs understood he stood on the shoulders of others. He says this as he contemplates life while sick.
From: Steve Jobs To: Steve Jobs
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 11:08PM
When your argument is that "legally" owned fully automatics haven't been used to kill anyone yet, you have no argument. It's trash. Beyond stupid. The fact that you can look at guns that are semi a...
andddd I don't care, won't watch.
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, whatever make you accept the terms of service. You the consumer can be moderated if they feel that your content is treading near the poi...
This is actually pretty good. Taxpayers paying for punishments.
Lex Fridman's interviews tend to be interesting. Getting an interview with Carmack, though, is next level. Man has many other things to do, but he respected Lex enough to take time out of his day. ...
Already started migrating the front end part of one application to Web Components. Absolutely making heavy reuse of existing code to hasten the effort. The way the web components renders and how hi...
Supposed to be an interview but he talks over him like it is a debate...ugh. Some interview. What a circus ๐คก. Children do this shit. The...
Not necessarily cultural appropriation, but appropriation across wings.
Social justice activists say defund the police as a way to move policing funds towards more softer approaches on crime prevent...
More of the same foolishness that leads to violence... We will commit to shooting up traitors including "congressmen" who continue to attack the federal government for doing their job. Instead of d...
Anne Heche is a criminal and must face criminal charges. The disgusting reaction seen on the internet towards this criminal is amazing. "Thoughts and Prayers" Hope you get well soon" Fuck you with ...
The party the operates by for the few by the few.
As one commenter puts it:
Well at least the party of the "intellectually challenged" is consistent:
911 Terror Attacks โ GOP POTUS
Afghan War โ GOP P...
All around the world there are issues caused by disease, famine, war, sanctions and other preventable man made disasters. It is during times like this that you can find ways to cater to demands spu...
Jazmin Montalvo's gotta be the most retarded real estate agent I've ever had any chance of talking to. I put an offer on a house via Redfin, but the real estate agent has to work with you to submit...
I mean if someone makes you an offer and you say it's worth x amount and that person acc...
With the buzzzz around Twitter being bought by Elor Moosk and some people wondering about moving away from Twitter, I wondered about an idea I had in the past with RSS style feeds.
Mastodon is a dec...
Kinda anger I have towards Republicans, in general. This social media pandering these Repubs do is fucking annoying and destructive.
Ketanji Jackson is the next Supreme Court Justice. They say first black SC Justice. Moments like this supposedly inspires people to become more aspirational. Obama's presidency is said to inspire a...
Chris Rock's joke was funny and Willy Boy laughed. Karen-boi Willy took it too far when he decided to get up on stage to slap the Comedian. Rock handled the situation gracefully. Don't get me wrong...
I think it was in high school that a Math Teacher had our class write reflections on our learning experience and it's something that's stuck to me these days. I mean I kept an electronic journal be...
Denzel Washington talking about fake news: "If you don't read the news you are uninformed. If you do read the news you are misinformed."
ย It hits home and they want to bring support to whatever cause they believe in.
It's funny how people repeat garbage they read on the internet. Such as how political messages of any kind should stay...
I used TurboTax last year for the first time and learned you had to attach hundred of pages of your trades to your federal tax filing via postal service. TurboTax, at that time, at least told me th...
You heard it here first.
Turbulence in markets is worse than certainty. If a company is certainly good or certainly bad you have a good idea of where it is going. With uncertainty, it gives pause to whether a company is wo...
There's lot of bad information out there especially coming out of the mouth of the horse (Putin).
Fact of the matter is that Russia desires to recreate the Soviet bloc and that definitely will put u...
Congrats to the people involved in securing this easy win against these vile hate filled pieces of garbage.
When the evidence of the defendantsโ racism was finally laid out in court, it proved to b...
The phrase Conservatards can't define and don't care for what it actually is. The "truth" seeking party only care for shitting on Biden and Democrats. Conservatards are in fact racist and I care no...
You have some phuked in the head people comparing it to Civil rights protests in some manner or the other. Yeah, hell no. If masked athletes can perform and beat other athletes not wearing a mask t...
Everyday, just do something you want just a tiny bit. You'll get tired, fall asleep, get bored and etc. or get really excited quickly and then lose that energy as you see how bad you are.
If you're ...
WTF? Are you serious? This is exactly what fans want from Sonic in a 3d world. Sega keeps going in rando directions trying to find Sonic's footing when this one's been around for how many years? YE...
Ask yourself "What makes me so special that I will get this for free?", "What makes me so special that I have been selected for a giveaway?", "Why should I give out this information?"
Ask questions ...
Critical Race Theory, the boogeyman after the Election Fraaaauud boogyman. Ask republiklansmen to cite examples of CRT taught in schools or election fraud and... crickets.
Another idiotic gun nut republiklan who believe owning a gun me...
These kinds of posts remind me of the people who have their screws loose because wtf.
A chick on the...
โSheโs being very Asianโฆ she can keep her Korean to herself.โ
Small mention of dumplings broke the dam holding up the 'not racist' Karen c...
I do not see why a Driver's License as ID is necessary when State ID exists. To drive, you essentially need a bunch of irrelevant documents that have no bearing on driving. Bundling up features has...
Way to go, USA #1 at jailing, wooohooo. Must be fun to have to go through that paperwork for random charge since the first one would not stick. Police, like this, keep forgetting that the accused h...
Also an important reason of why the "lefties" decriminalize these certain drugs.
The plant is so dangerous man. Gotta bring gunz to seize it. Its one thing to sell and another thing to just smoke it...
How about just give the form to the people asking for them? And not being dumb fucks about it. Police complain people don't wanna comply or trust them. You reap what you sow.
A collection of one of ...
Scare everyone outta leaving, but also if they leave they will be inspected. Ok, so what happens if they stay? (Nothingl.) ๐คก Clown cops.
Ah yes, the R-tards who complain about liberals, feelings and whatever safe place are the ones guilty of i...
Of course, shithole state Texas with its R-tards would have the first Omicron death in the USA. Of c...
Idiot Officer: Nick McGarry
Prostitute Officer: Vera Mekuli
They cry about crime and say police is the answer then one of the biggest crimes in history, TREASON, is treated with leniency. These dumb mother fuckers who attempted to kill lawmakers and anyone ...
If there wasn't art so compelling. Where's the fear in that photo? Oh right, any mention of black history is CRT to these morons. Ask them what is CRT? Ask them where is CRT taught? Oh right, lik...
Just more coming just like I said.
I've talked about here before with this scummy governor and her scummy daughter.
This guy drops a heavy dose of reality about abs and fake women on social media.
You may need to watch it in parts and hyperventilate from time to time, but you need to watch it and take this mental...
You've seen the pictures of republiklansmen, names who won't be mentioned formally anyway (Boeby and Masstard), with their "families" holding guns in some fashion. The same kinds of depictions they...
Well then..., its one of the songs in my playlist. Can't be too shocked if people still remember it.
Ku Klux Klan reborn is the Republican party. No doubt about it. Throughout this pandemic they've been a party of psychos and "America-first" horse shit. Ha, must only be a coincidence that the KKK ...
SARS COV2 continues its havoc and cause malaise in Anti-vaxxers. If Bill Gates "chips", magnets, 5G and whatever bullshit didn't stop people from getting the vaccine its gotta be now MAGIC DIRT!
If ...
Oh right, Karens wanting to fight over bull shit like this.
Conservatives are complete idiots and religious fanatics. They complain that the country is going to shit yet keep wasting time and energy...
I always questioned society's double standard for women where the woman must be defended no matter what she does. The white knights who jump in when a woman attacks a man and the man takes it for a...
Commentary: https://www.red...
Georgia Attorney General Chris Carrโs office is prosecuting Johnson. Carr sought the misconduct ...
They weren't arrested
because cops saw the tapes
They were arrested
because we saw the tapes
After this case they need to go after ...
The jury defended Rittenhouse and protesters right to carry and shoot at threats. The next Rittenhouse should cease to exist at the next nationwide protest because you know its going to come again ...
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's daughter will quit her job as a real estate appraiser and give up her li...
I won't even post his retarded shit, but I can say he should be shot. Oh wait, this post is just a joke or is it? ๐คก
Dumbass doesn't have better things to do as a federal lawmaker than poking at the ...
This is not a bad scene at all, but pretty revisionist.
2 Months of your life taken away is a lot of time, but ...
Boomer Republican Governor Mike Parsons doesn't understand how security disclosures work and that they are a public service especially when it is your incompetence that lead to your web site leakin...
Dumb ass politicking as usual. Somehow Terry McAuliffe loss is a blow therefore all people of a certain side should take note blah blah blah yada yada. They said it with CA as well.
He would never w...
Assailant Security Guard: Christopher Wall
Victim: Josh Brooks (https://www.tiktok.com/@yungjayoh1?, https://mobile.twitter.com/615yungjayoh)
Guy was leaving and this rent of cop decided to physically detain him for "trespassing" not k...
The arrest warrant was issued without verification from the state trooper or ...
Murders a guy because the driver turned into his driveway who backed up by the time the moronic idio...
Nothing more to add. We got a bunch of raving morons in this country who are in dire need of a re-education though there is less of them since SARS-COV2's has brought its final solution on them. Ne...
"Iโm here on a mission. Itโs not a job. Itโs Godโs mission"
Clearly a Judge who has served for too long, po...
"Judge Trevor McFadden, suggested last week that the Department hasn't been "even-handed" because those who participated in riots associated with the racial justice protests of 2020 were not pro...
Repubs, dumb as fuck. Just wait, the AG will not bother with...
As long as you are an inexperienced teen driver who wants to play danger...
Health agencies training are lacking clearly. Why not aspirate if the vaccine is not supposed to be given intravenously?
If someone asks for aspiration, what's with the resistance to doing it? If yo...
Good. There's no need for anti-vaccine content and conspiracies.
While I like decentralized systems, this kinda of adv...
They billed it as a getting rid of bureaucracy venture. Did it also help the others who wanted to get their certifications? Somehow, the media reporting on the issue is breaking the trust of the pe...
Is it surprising that the news will cover predominately white people? There are lots of em. The part that ...
Out-trolled the real life troll.
Good job Ry. https://www.reddit.com/user/ry_thedareguy/
Steps of a COVID denier as shown above:
Itโs a hoax.
Donโt be sheep.
Prayers needed.
Visit our GoFundMe
Keep dying off, the world needs it. M...
The nonsense that people spew out of their ass all because of a small prick in the arm. It's not like resistance to masks is a new thing given it is exactly what happened during the Spanish Flu and...
CSS Specificity is one thing I cannot claim to understand, but the link below will guide you
I believed that CSS resolved conflicts by where t...
Should make every cop watch this video and videos that this cop watches. Save some god damn money and time.
Boyz in Blue, man. They are seriously that dumb and lazy to assert a car was involved in a crime without any evidence. ๐คช๐คฃ The burden of proof is the the cops not the people driving the car. Cops wi...
This is one of those cases where the cops were justified in how they treated her, but the city settles for 3 million. Why? The PR around it. "ElDeRlY wHyTe LaDy with Dementia AsSaUlTeD bY PiGs. CoU...
Bullish signal. Cryptocurrencies have come a long way. Still a long journey ahead to full on acceptance. ๐ฎ The road bump yesterday is annoying. The top 3 cryptocurrencies are really the only ones t...
TLDR: Police Officer attacked an railroad worker who in no way you'd see as aggressive. Worker tries to show he is supposed to be there, but the officer decides to put his hands on him and put the...
Taking Ivermectin ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คช along with other shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he took a insignificant dose just for attention.
Ivermectin has no effect unless you overdose on it. ๐คฃ๐คช
As I say, everyone's a ...
Son's a rapist and serial killer.
In his past he sexually assaulted his neighbor's daughter. His mother is thinks that "... its strange. Maybe a little good does come from some bad."
She's in denial ...
I remember this expose along with all the coverage throughout the years. Leader...
Especially in 2021. The real estate market topped off and now it as to take the roller coaster down. Flippers got their take.
Unless inflation in the real estate market is persistent, 2021 purchaser...
Actually racist Sheriff now under criminal investigation by the State AG. Making a fake call to elicit a massive police response for a nothing burger. Absolute Garbage.
I would rather not have to look at horrid shit people. The rivers that flow with these lily white tears especially from ones who are or associated with law enforcement.
This one's in New Jersey
"In t...
Just another day of violating a citizens rights.
Established no crime, but let's run him up anyway. Morons.
"Illegal" dumping. Uh huh.
Never give your ID to cops unless they've arrested you.
I'm in full support of mandatory vaccinations for anyone having to have close contact with scores of other people in their daily work.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can go start your own school, ...
Some people have unhealt...
A daily reminder that you are nothing and your life can end at anytime regardless of how careful you think you are. You will always be beholden to something else. You hope that mother nature, someo...
Video title is GOP Officials Confronted With Evidence Of MAGA Riot Lies.
They will know by vote or by force. Jan 6th is nothing to play with and they will learn one way or the other.
Wahhh, gRump was censored on social media for being an absolute shit head, but somehow a military man doing what he fel...
Well, to white people anyway.
I'm not interested in hearing about white fragility and grievances because i...
Abbott through the Texas gov wants to stop Texas cities from "defunding" the police, so utilizing the law and big government they wanna i...
Imagine walking down from work just trying to get home when two suspect guys approach you asking for your name. They throw you against a car and one decides to swipe your wallet and you think "Fuck...
Catchy as hell!
"I'll give you 2 BTC if you send 1 BTC."
Why would I give you 2 BTC if you gave me 1 BTC? In what world would I give you 100 dollars if you gave me 50?
Greedy dumbfucks. I should fucking run a scam a...
We had that world and this is one of the many reasons why l...
If it were uncontroversial to go full blown conservative right wing, Austonia would be there I bet. Seemingly innocuous. Every contentious article you see there with them looking to obtain both sid...
New Mexico is the first state to get rid of Qualified Immunity for public officials for vio...
More venture capital funding flowed into Dallas-...
Who does that? Oh right, yeah an American cop.
A technician servicing a New York companyโs products in Vermont could not, by definition, do her job in New York, so that is not for th...
They say 'they don't protest, they just leave'. It's laughable bullshit. The rich protest all the time. Threatening to leave is protesting. Its as if protesting is low class.
Investment bankers know...
'Yeah, only get involved when you want to donate to our campaigns! Don't worry about our Jim Crow laws and rul...
Meet his racist daughter who wants to "shoot black people" for no reason
โIโll make my dad drive with lights and sirens and if we see any black people we will shoot them,โ one post said, according t...
White on white violence here.
White citizen hands out flyer saying that Chief cost their city 3...
It is pretty clear what the US Government stance is on China. There is no more reason to do business in China....
No compromises with this set of cucks and tards.
State troopers stopped Jack Levine for a traffic stop and escalated it to a roadside cavity search for a very dangerous object on his person. That's what you'd think. No, instead he is "under arres...
First taze em and then choke em. Fucking cops. Took them that long to get to "termination hearings" and gave him a chance t...
It is amusing. Rings hallow just like the "Election Fraud" claims.
People claim that Californians are flooding a market, but no data to show that they significantly impact the city.
I guess the peasa...
I never understood the allure of buy now and pay later outside of credit cards. Before I got a credit card, I was afraid of getting into CC debt, so I also avoided it. I didn't understand it and th...
Manufacturing chips for other CPU designers! TSMC move out the way!
BOOM! I just bought so...
Lowly peasants.
Being black is not a choice. Fuck Blue Lives Matter.
Fuck shitty cops. Your shitty insig...
CEO if Texas Roadhouse dies by suicide because of long COVID symptoms.
I'm sure a lot of people are sufferin...
Interesting summary.
I would figure multiple incidents would have to happen before coppers arm themselves more heavily, but I guess not. You need multiple incidents to happen to civilians and lawsui...
Ooooooook. Didn't know hypnosis was a thi...
I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks. Happens almost every semester.
โYou know what? I hate to say this,โ Ms. Sellers said on the video. โI end up havin...
Paul Russell believed Donald Trump's prediction that the pandemic would be "forgotten" after the US elections โ but instead he found himself spending November fighting for his life
Anything more to say?
REFUND my fucking taxes!
Fucking dumb motherfucking piece of shit pig! Jeremy Walleman is a dumb nazi motherfucker! He knows he fucked up and again and again departments have no...
Hahaha, wow an analyst does a downgrade and investors overreact! LOADING UP ON LONG TERM CONTRACTS!
Motherfuckers. Fuck Gab and its sister sites. Scum must be wiped from the world.
Wintercane is obviously made up.
You think Texans gonna listen to Lina Hida...
I've posted about this last year and checked again. # of deaths still going up!
Texas, texas texas. Wooooo booy. Year is not even 30%...
I wonder what color of skin the woman was... hmmmm.
...because they are poor and have work to focus on.
You are a failure. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are failing your children and you are failing yourself. You create a cycle of depression...
Piece of shit! Ever since this motherfucker has taken up the reigns the USPS has been unreliable. You need to send something in the same god damned city with their "PRIORITY MAIL" and it'll take fo...
There's no way she wanted to stay owner long term running on a racist campaign. She's retarded like her mentally ill constit...
The fuck is this shit.
And disgusting conservatives believe the criminal justice system needs light reform. Uh huh. Fuckin'...
Doctors that think they know it all? Do random bullshit che...
Need I say more?
DURRRRHHHHH, I'm gonna open up the state of Texas after suffering a preventable weather crisis! The only numbers I care for are my approval numbers! Add more crisis to the table!
Haha, can't wait!
Today it is Tom Cruise and tomorrow it is your CEO!
A lot of people are fucked. Elections will never be the same! It is har...
How is it that Historically Black Colleges and Universities don't have more prominence in the sports area anyway?
Why would public universities historically white have sports teams comprised of a sh...
tRump supporters and conservatives want safe spaces? Unity though! Safe spaces are bad so bad. Free speech! Personal liberty!
Awww, so you're thin skinned special little snowflakes after all.
Repubs can keep trying to limit voting, but COVID will be done before 2024. How much more can you try to limit voting before it becomes racist and easily struck down? Ha! Keep trying morons. You ar...
In 2020, I went nuts daytrading crypto and that was fun for that little while. As the crypto market downturned, I went completely crazy daytrading stocks then options. While it is fun and all, I'm ...
Lol ๐. Crows who defend a woman. Almost attack a neighbor. Neighbors befriend the caw-ers and eventually t...
What was the call for? Welfare check? Stumbling in snow? He says he's walking home? Have a nice day right?
If they felt so concerned for his safety then drive. Recon. Why waste time reconning when w...
Probably not. Even if it turned into a pandemic alongside SARS-COV2, the symptoms do...
Dood goes to Mexico with a return date of Saturday after everything would be blown over thinking no one would find out. Hahahhahahahha!
Yeeeeesh, fucking shit cops. After the 5m mark, K-9 officer trying to give a ticket for something not illegal and out of his jurisdiction. A piece of shit. Tries to "evaluate" his mental condition ...
HR 2571: https://journals.house.texas.gov/hjrnl/84r/pdf/84RDAY71FINAL.PDF#page=38
Bill related to weather planning: https://lrl.texas.gov/legis/BillSearch/searchresults.cfm?subjectList=CLIMATOLOGY%2...
Derp, I'm part of a party and going to espouse my party beliefs on you all even though I failed you all. Thanks for your taxes.
Welcome t...
Is it a shock? Murica racist? Fact of the matter here is lawsuit. Make it as expensive to be raci...
Perfect words for the 43 corrupt Senators.
What's your problem?
Can't you see it?
And you go and blow it
Like everyone knows you will
- New Found Glory - Failure's Not Flattering
Doordash, you are funny. Couldn't find a better cheaper way to advertise.
"Alright guys, we have 6.5m budget to virtue signal"
"Oh I have an idea, lets donate to a charity"
"No, that's too basic"
"Ok ...
I still cannot fathom why in the midst of an armed insur...
... Racism is not about the temperaments or choices of individual actors. It is a structural d...
An interesting case of distributed "uncoordinated" Pump and Dump. It's like Donald Trump's Capitol Riot, all you needed was the conditions for incitement.
You could say Reddit's WallStreetBets inci...
How'd they plan that is... insane. Quick glass break and then s...
Ah, so I was skeptical about the M1 not being a heater, but holy fuck! A laptop that I can put on my lap and not worry about being burned! Fuck yes!
I'm really surprised by the low battery usage, th...
Fox News sure loves them some Blue Lives and they only Matter when Black Lives Matter. F...
Always downplayed with the right whites
Robinhood could have easily easily said there's too much demand and not enough supply for stocks like GME with no mention of capital troubles. Could have said our clearinghouse will no longer proce...
If it were the other way around they'd be called "thugs"
"A captain from the sheriff's office allegedly ...
Clicking on read more will bring you to a page that shows the stories: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/2...
Everytime I see a video about how the immune system works.. I can't help but say crazy. The complexity is insane.
Imagine your country's health depending on a minister who believes in a god-man who makes magic potions that can ward off SARS-COV-2 and she takes it, but still gets COVID. Oh my gauuuuwd.
Kellyanne Conway's a supporter of tRump the gRump and very wowza abusive towards her daughter. Crazy bitch I tell ya. How does George deal with this shit? I guess it's a opposites attract, crazy at...
Yuck. Holy fuck. Miss piggy is horrible.
I wish Joe Biden all the opportunities of success that presents itself.
We are done with gRump in power.
If only it were true.
Still very funny
FUCK tRump the gRump.
I don't need your vaccine. Ppppppppffffuck you.
This was some 'Call of Duty' shit was my reaction. Bombs, molotov cocktails, guns, zip ties in D.C. at the Capitol? Bombs being used to divert police resources? While they terrorize the D.C. Capito...
I can no longer be tolerant of tRump/QAnon supporters on and offline. You must be erased from the world you treasonous fucking scum. You white pasty punk short sighted pieces of shit threatened the...
I did not figure they would go the step and BAN the 45th! I know that he is going to need to plead the 5th real soon, but shit should Twitter have helped with that? ๐คช
Shit, I said conservatives were...
Ha, don't even know the meaning of censorship. tRump got his tweets deleted. Yeah, the motherfucker actually got censored. Fuck tRump and fuck his cult sheep supporters. The cult of irresponsibilit...
Extinguish this fuck already. Cult of tRump must end. Iran, I really hope you accomplish your goal of revenge of your General that tRump assassinated.
This is why tRump must be deposed immediately.
Ahahahhaahah. All of these efforts to fuck with U S A. Moment of a lifetime to wipe corrupt conservatives and throw a horrendously corrupt fuck tRump in prison.
Moscow "The Bitch" Mitch looking ...
Destroyed 57 vials which contained over 500 doses. Some of which were applied to patients. Good job s...
The 2012 Republican Senate nominee from Missouri.
โIt seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, thatโs really rare,โ Mr. Akin said of pregnancies from rape. โIf itโs a legitimate rape, the f...
Was interested in bears' self awareness when I came across this.
"You're committing the classic zoological sin - anthropocentricity. This means "centred around humans", and it's the idea that "if s...
You've heard it or even said it. Probably believe the 'Election was stolen.'
It is great that the bullshit continues to be surfaced and your beliefs challenged. Protests just magically came 'outta n...
Start of a new year.
Feeling like my old self again where I can stay up playing video games or coding. Stayed up until about midnight playing and beating Ni No Kuni 2 to close out 2020.
Countdown to ...
Oh god. I always set the ceiling fan to low whenever I turn it on because paranoid.
Is it a surprise they fired a competent person?
Speculation on my part that the attack on Nashville was done by a militia. I'd be surprised if it were a lone attack given the amount of infrastructure damage. Who says militias don't keep in conta...
and you decide to retaliate.
I like this quote:
"If these idiots think masks interfered with their freedumb, wait until they get to prison."
and also fuck you disgusting anti social pieces of shit, fu...
I made my first options call contract purchase. Bought a right to buy 100 shares of a certain stock at a premium. Currently in the green and I foresee it staying there for the time of expiration in...
Is it even worth comparing? ๐ 22 years holy fuck.
I don't know if I could go back to playing classic. Graphics are a joke! I can't stop laughing ๐
Absolutely retarded... This herd mentality, I swear they need to be chewed out and fired. Traitors, the lot of them. You'd think they'd be the first to honor their fucking mission to PROTECT AND SE...
Fucking hell, holographic Charizard going for fucking 300k!!! WTF?!!
Man, I should have kept my Pokeman (a on purpose) cards. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCK ๐ฉ
Got to scam some kids out of them cards and be a poke-...
O Kay, I can get on board with this. Every country wants to be a shining star, so they copy the othe...
I remember that time when I won Spyro from a contest. When I got PS2 and PS3 (with my own money at 16 years old :)).
I realize that PS5 is out therefore PS4 is on its way out. There's PS2, PS3 games I still haven't beaten. I only bought a PS4 in 2019. Significant lag time considering I had PS2 and PS3 early near ...
Hah, making my own bread is humbling. I've gotten interested in making my own bread since I made Cinnamon Rolls around 2 years ago. I made a cake looking bread at that time lol. As in, it looked li...
I slowed down after the craziness of the first week of the month. I pretty much lost a ton of what I gained in the second week. Was depressed during that time ๐ข. Stepped away from trading to regain...
โThe choice you have is about the life you have nextโ
Been thinking about this one for a while, well how to say it exactly. This is one of those posts where I write the body first and figure out the title later.
I was told a past relationship story whe...
Another gem that I never stopped listening to. I listen and sing along to it whenever I want. Don't remember exactly how I started listening to it. Maybe YouTube of yesteryear, maybe iTunes. Long t...
I'm bearish too, but not so much like a March 2020 liquidity crisis. I get there is a junk bonds balloon and that's only one factor. I'm sure there are other stats he's looked at that made him bet ...
Amazing melody and voice. Avril has really changed her tune since her past songs. Guess her breakups really changed her. Also could have been her disease and environment that affected her recent ...
Another song I dug up from my collection. Great factual song and excellent uplifting beat.
History is great to learn about. Always interested in it, so that's why ERB reasonates with me. Rap with history and popular figures?! Simply amazing.
Why bother with a blog. A custom one at that. More work than pen and paper. I am better off with pen and paper or use a note taking app to write shit for myself.
Then I remember, this blog is a grea...
Nuts, I blew out last month only in one week. Profitable every single day meeting or exceeding my goals for the day and the entire month. I should sit back, but why?!
I'm in full 100% support of stopping all counts, so we can nip this shit in the bud and make Biden president.
Trump is an idiot. He has lost this race. Good riddance piece of shit. LOCK HIM UP!
This ...
Don't think you need a study to figure this out.
Recruiter for Product Engineering says 'after further review I think Production engineering would be more suitable'
Interesting since I've interviewed for product engineering 3 years ago! ๐ญ
That was ...
but I forgot, they were being drowned out... by their own cries. ๐ญ
Fuck Trump and all of his supporters.
Judge Emmett Sullivan deserves a medal of freedom and all free pass to his favorite restaurant. He has to waste his time doing the DOJ's job in the Flynn case and waste his time asserting authority...
Fuck some people are DUMB.
Sad that John Campbell here has to keep debunking that trash. He has more patience than me for foolishness.
Seriously, FUCK YOU dumb fucks who spread this bullshit. YOU DUM...
I wonder why. Observation and Truth.
See it yourself: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
Why people are antisocial and don't want to wear masks is b...
Shepard'sย report indicates he was driving west on Maple Avenueย when his radar ...
An attempt to find some of the things I enjoyed and enjoy them again.
Certainly feel the energy.
A case of a movie influencing the real world:
Sometimes I feel like the Stock Market is fucking rigged, to borrow a page out of tRump's book.
It is an emotional rollercoaster with stocks at least when day trading. I look for valleys in stocks t...
Why does "The One" matter? Oh yeah, humans and animals have a duty to procreate. The spiel of the simple "meet someone, fall in love, get married, buy a house and have kids" creates that hole fro...
A funny picture I encountered that I agree with. Maybe if he does, I can go back to being apolitical.
This guy sums up what I agree with: https://popehat.substack.com/p/section-230-is-the-subject-of-the
There's no reason why Section 230 should be invoked every time some politician feels offended.
Could laugh, cry and/or get angry, but it is a pretty good summary.
Investigate injecting disinfectant to kill COVID in the body. LOL! Wh...
If someone had to post illegally obtained materials concerning their Supreme Court nominee, they'd be up in arms about how Twitter and Facebook are allowing distribution of illegal materials theref...
Apparently arch bridges are durable, cheap and simple structurally and a deliberate ch...
GMail used to be good with basic shit, but the recent bugs have been unbelievable.
I press delete on an email and it still shows up on the list of emails. Have to refresh the page ๐.
I read an email ...
Ha, so it takes threatening and plotting against government officials to get Facebook to change its p...
I will look into seeing if I can slowly get back to some outdoor hobbies as well as pick up some old indoor hobbies even though COVID is still around. I guess it is not as bad here though, but it d...
I get these Digg emails and one with this link stood out: https://tribunecontentagency.com/article/ask-amy-personal-trainer-needs-some-personal-training
- Personal trainer fucks married woman and hu...
October 1st was a great day. Several good things happened, but this is the best because I was absolutely looking forward to this event. I'm glad the WHEN and not IF tRump gets it occurred. Certainl...
Excellent comedian with spectacular delivery. I just can't agree more with everything he said. It all delivered funny but very true.
When he talked about Japanese-Americans' rights being taken away ...
Some interesting quotes
Wherever it is widely practised, polygamy (specifically polygyny, the taking of multiple wives) destabilises society, largely because it is a form of ...
Pro black for them doesn't mean Anti-White. We will see how this goes over the next 30 - 50 years.
It is sad when you ...
When a president can walk the streets without harassment every now and then, it is the best assessment of the president's job approval. I don't need bs sample statistics to tell me approval rating.
Football player turned mathematician. He's always been a math buff, but when he decided to quit football for Math I was surprised. It was during my college days when I heard of this guy.
I guess he...
Find my self fascinated by animals sometimes. How would it feel like to not have a very complex vocal language and senses much different from a human. Would I see color or black and white? Do I lab...
Western Governments are adding drugs to the water supply in order to turn their populations into conspiracy theorists....itโs true: a guy in the pub told me ๐
When I see facetious comments like th...
I like watching Judge Frank Caprio's short courtroom videos. They are very lightheart...
So why so many Confederate monuments? https://www.history.com/news/how-the-u-s-got-so-many-confederate-monuments
Never thought about it until the toppling of theses statues. It made me wonder why so...
If their services are banned over there, why allow any China based accounts at all? One should expect most accounts from there to be fake garbage accounts where no money is made relative to the gar...
Question is if the processor and co. shou...
One case in point. Just outright deletion as if it never happened? This is a terrib...
His wish may come true.
He will lose this come November because of the way shit is going down. There is nothing he can do about it at this point. His election consultants and advisers are yes-men an...
Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light. Yeah, right. Ask an American where these words come from nowadays.
United we stand, divided we fall. It has lost its touch.
Typically don't use memes, b...
"That is not only not right; it is not even wrong"
- Wolfgang Pauli
Pretty much where we all are currently. Information that cannot be proven incorrect nor correct spreading around fueling sprees of...
Random only exists where something is unknown.
Does that mean everything is actually deterministic?
Life is deterministic if everything can be known or predicted.
Shit then does free will exist?
We can...
I was curious about the energy impact of Trello on the client side, so I did some profiling (of course compared against my product) and I'm amazed that it takes so much energy. Most of the heavy li...
"I also like the strategy of temporarily suspending your disbelief and throwing yourself headlong into something for a while, a...
Every time I see one of these imposter syndrome posts, I cannot relate.
Imposter Syndrome doesn't exist for me. Never has, never will.
It is a fallacy to think you have to be an expert to create thin...
Another thought provoking post recently is one like Lession to Unlearn (http://paulgraham.com/lesson.html)
I liked learning, and I really enjoyed some of the papers and programs I wrote in college. ...
Since Saturday, I've been working on SEO features such as automated generation of sitemap and bringing the public side of this blog up with React Server Side Rendering. One feature I always thought...
I decided to eat cereal (Raisin Bran and Cheerios) with rice milk and the occasional homemade spaghetti with homemade sauce or homemade rice. Never thought about the amount of calories I was ingest...
I recently got out of my day to day job and instantly started to work with some of the technologies I discovered and worked with at work. Tons of new libraries, frameworks and software that I disco...